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Mastering the Midyear Reset: A Guide to Planning for Success

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Mariane Cresp

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Here we are, midway through the year and it’s the perfect time to pause, reflect and review our goals for the months ahead.

This time of the year is a great opportunity to have a look at your progress, rethink your objectives, refresh your focus and get your motivation back in gear!

With the right tools and mindset, you can set yourself up for success in the second half of the year.

Come along with me as we explore the ins and outs of planning and self-motivation, with practical tips to help you tackle this important part of your journey to building effective habits and achieving your aspirations.

Starting Your Planning Journey, What You Need:

To start on your planning journey, gather essential supplies like a high-quality planner, notebooks, and erasable pens and markers.

Enhancing your planning experience begins with having the right tools. PILOT FriXion erasable pens and markers are excellent choices to elevate your organisational skills. The FriXion Clicker erasable gel pens provide a smooth writing experience, making them ideal for jotting down tasks. Additionally, the FriXion Light Soft erasable highlighters are perfect for colour-coding tasks, thanks to their gentle pastel tones and precise highlighting capabilities.

Desk Inspo:

Set up a dedicated desk that inspires productivity and creativity, making sure you have everything you need to brainstorm ideas and define your key priorities.


Time to check in and see where you're at. Think about those goals you wrote down at the start of the year.

What have you checked off?

  • Take a moment to pat yourself on the back for those you have ticked off the list and for what you have already achieved. Maybe you've finally started that side hustle you've been dreaming of, or perhaps you've hit a fitness milestone.

  • Celebrate those wins, big and small - they're all stepping stones toward your dreams.

Now, let's shift your focus to what's left to tackle.

  • Maybe you've been putting off learning a new skill or procrastinating on a project that's been on your mind.

  • Whatever it is, look at these tasks to help you prioritise and give a clear direction for the next steps in your journey.

Grab your favourite PILOT FriXion Clicker erasable gel pen and jot down your reflections. You can start to tackle that to-do list, one task at a time.


Now that you've taken a good look at how things are going, it's time to rethink your objectives.

Some might just need a little fine-tuning like doing your workout in the morning instead of the afternoon. While others could use a complete pivot.

A great way to group which goals need small refinements, and which need a complete overhaul is by colour coding them with highlighters. This is a great way to visually see what needs to be amended.  PILOT FriXion Light Soft erasable highlighters are fabulous as they come in a range of pastel colours which are excellent for creating a lovely-looking page.  I’m currently loving these pretty pastel highlighters as they blend very well with the bold, bright highlights of the original range. 


Earlier, we talked about celebrating the wins. This is important for your mid-year reset. Taking a moment to acknowledge even the tiniest achievements and celebrating these milestones not only boosts your motivation but also strengthens those positive habits you've been building.

Note those significant milestones in your planner. By creating visual victory logs, you see your progress and growth which helps remind you of how far you’ve come along.

Mapping Your Progress:

Keep your goals in mind by keeping track of your progress regularly. Use your PILOT FriXion Colors to mark off completed tasks on your habit tracker to help motivate you. With 12 FriXion Colors to choose from, you can create a visual feast on the page to spur you on!  Watching your progress on paper can give you a boost to help you stay on track toward your goals.

Creating Time:

Time is your most valuable asset, so make the most of it. Schedule regular planning sessions in your calendar and treat them as non-negotiable appointments with yourself.

Use erasable highlighters to time block dedicated time for goal setting, reflection, and planning, so if there are any changes in plans, you can easily erase and rewrite without worrying about the mistakes.


As the year progresses, make sure to regularly assess your strategies and adjust them as needed. Stay flexible and open to change, recognising that being able to adapt is key to long-term success.

Jot down lessons learned and the insights you have gained, using each moment as a stepping stones towards your goals through the rest of the year.


Think of the midyear reset as your chance to hit the refresh button, getting back on track, and reigniting your drive for success.  

With these handy planning and motivation tips in your back pocket, along with your trusty PILOT FriXion erasable pens and markers, you'll be ready to tackle the rest of the year head-on.

So, embrace what's to come, and keep in mind that every little step forward counts toward reaching those big dreams of yours.

About Author

Mariane Cresp

Mariane Cresp is passionate about cultivating self-care, productivity, and mental well-being through her love for planning, organising, and stationery. With an impressive number of followers on her Instagram page, Mariane generously shares her insightful tips and tutorials, inspiring her dedicated audience to enhance their lives through intentional and mindful practices.

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