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Make a Simple Flip Book with PILOT FriXion Erasable Gel Pens

Craft a delightful flip book using PILOT FriXion Clicker Erasable gel pens and cardstock or index paper sheets to bring your imaginative animations to life, offering a soothing and creative experience for kids and adults alike!

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Bea Farrarons

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Create a flip book to bring joy and wonder as you animate static images. This project involves crafting each page and watching the animation unfold a soothing, meditative experience that will transport you to a world of imagination.

You will need:
PILOT FriXion Clicker Erasable gel pens
• Cardstock or index paper sheets
• A light pad/box for tracing

Step by Step:

Prepare a stack of cardstock or index paper into rectangular sheets.

Place the first sheet on the light box and start by drawing a simple base design to keep your drawings consistent. Having a light pad/box helps when tracing your design.

First image of the flip book will start at the bottom right of the paper.

The second paper goes on top of the first and draw the next sequence by slightly changing the movement.

Continue the process and slightly move the image on each succeeding paper.

Use PILOT FriXion Clicker Erasable gel pens for this project so that you can easily rectify any mistakes while drawing.

Keep drawing your animation sequence and don’t forget to test your flip book in case you need to adjust your images.

About Author

Bea Farrarons

Bea Farrarons is mum of two and avid crafter. An enthusiastic fan of DIY art and Craft projects. She has developed a range of fun mistake-making and correcting craft activities using FriXion erasable pens. Bea runs popular Instagram account @_simply_bea_ and has a growing community of 25,900 followers.

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